Transportation for Democracy Awakening

Hop On a Bus!
Check out our bus map to find a bus near you and sign up to get on it before space runs out.
bus map screenshot

Organizing Buses
1. First thing’s first, email, including your city and phone number and let us know that you’d like to organize a bus or help organize otherwise.
2. We will follow up with you and help you reserve a bus or we can reserve one for you.
3. We will then get ticket sales for your bus up at
4. Reserve a parking spot for your bus at Union Station at
5. Get started with outreach in your community – reach out to your networks, local campuses and to local chapters of endorsing organizations – local chapters of NAACP, CWA, Sierra Club, U.S.PIRG, Common Cause are good places to start.
6. For more detailed instructions, check out this Bus Captain Guide.

*Information on transportation options is provided as a courtesy only, without representations or warranties as to those services. People using the services described here do so at their own risk.